
Spring 2018 ITP Skills Labs

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GC Library basement, room C196.01 ~ 6:30-8:30pm

These no-credit lab sessions are designed to build particular technological skills applicable to teaching and learning in particular disciplines. The labs are taught by doctoral and other CUNY faculty and, where appropriate, by advanced graduate students and non-university IT and media professionals. Students must take six labs each semester as part of the ITP certificate requirements.

Project Management | January 29 | Kimon Keramidas & Michael Mandiberg
This professional development workshop will focus on how to manage the various aspects of a project, including setting realistic benchmarks and meeting them, sticking to budgets, scope creep, and failing forward. Through interactive exercises, participants will gain an understanding of things to consider while completing a project. This lab is required of all students enrolled in ITP Core 2 in Spring 2018.

Wikipedia Editing with Art+Feminism | February 5 | Michael Mandiberg
This workshop is an introduction to Wikipedia, both as a cultural phenomenon and site of intellectual, political and pedagogical intervention. We will analyze the anatomy of a page, discuss the guiding principles for this knowledge community, and learn some basic editing. No technical knowledge is necessary, though a familiarity with HTML is useful.

HTML | February 20 (Tues) | Filipa Calado
Ever wanted to learn how to code? This introductory lab will cover the basics of writing HTML code. Gain hands-on experience to send you on your way to building sites. No prior HTML experience needed.

CSS for WordPress | February 26 | Danara Sarioglu
This workshop will teach participants how to use custom CSS to alter style sheets in WordPress. Students will gain a better understanding of the HTML structure of WordPress through learning CSS, and will leave the lab with the necessary skills to move on to more complex things like child-theming. A beginner’s knowledge of how to set up and modify basic features of WordPress will be helpful for participants.

Command Line 2 | March 5 | Jonathan Pickens
This lab will show participants how to use basic regular expressions to execute pattern matching across files. Come learn a useful set of skills that will allow you to do things more efficiently and accurately. You’ll leave with a sense of how to deploy regular expressions and how to learn more. A beginner’s familiarity with regex will be helpful for participants.

Text Analysis with Voyant | March 12 | Jing Zhao
Join us for the in’s and out’s of using Voyant, a powerful tool for text analysis. You’ll gain an understanding of how Voyant can be used in teaching and scholarship. No previous experience needed.

Short Documentaries | March 22 (Thurs), 4:15-6:15 | Sara Vogel
Details to come.

Data Visualization 2 | March 26 | Micki Kaufman
This lab will introduce participants to intermediate concepts and tools in data visualization for the humanities and social sciences. We will explore what can be done with word clouds, Google Ngrams, the Google Public Data Explorer, and map a social network with Gephi. We will emphasize learning the possibilities with of each of these platforms so that participants can continue to develop their skills after the lab.

How to Register

Eventbrite registration link:

  • Review the ITP Skills Lab Descriptions, then select the corresponding date from the Available Dates pull-down menu to register for your desired lab.
  • Space is limited and you must sign up in advance to secure a seat.
  • Lab attendance will be taken at each session.

How to Cancel

  • Please be respectful of those on the waiting list and cancel at least 48 hours in advance of the lab.
  • To cancel, use Eventbrite OR email Julie, [email protected], with the date and title of the lab you will no longer be attending.

Other Spring 2018 Workshops at the Graduate Center

You are also welcome to attend one of the other workshops at the GC to fulfill your ITP labs requirement. Workshops are offered by GC Digital Initiatives, the Teaching and Learning Center, the Futures Initiative, the Office of Career Planning and Professional Development, and the Library.

Download the Spring 2018 GC Workshop Schedule (PDF)