I’m the Director of the Teaching and Learning Center at the CUNY Graduate Center, where I support GC students in their teaching across the CUNY system and beyond, and work on a variety of pedagogical and digital projects. I previously was the founding director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Baruch College. I hold a Ph.D. in History from the Graduate Center, serve as Director of Community Projects for the CUNY Academic Commons, am a faculty member in the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program, and direct the development of Vocat, an open-source multimedia evaluation and assessment tool. I also serve on the editorial collective of the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, and have contributed essays to Matthew K. Gold’s Debates in the Digital Humanities and, with Thomas Harbison, to Jack Dougherty and Kristen Nawrotzki’s Writing History in the Digital Age.
Maura Smale
I’m Chief Librarian and Professor at the Ursula C. Schwerin Library, New York City College of Technology (City Tech) and faculty in the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy certificate program. I’ve served Co-Director of the City Tech OpenLab, an open digital platform for teaching, learning, and collaboration. I have a Ph.D. in Anthropology from NYU and a Masters of Library and Information Science from Pratt Institute. With Mariana Regalado of Brooklyn College I’ve pursued a multi-campus study of the scholarly habits of undergraduates at CUNY; our book Digital Technology as Affordance and Barrier in Higher Education was published last year. My other research interests include using games in teaching and learning, open scholarship and teaching, critical librarianship, and educational technology. You can find articles and book chapters I’ve written in Academic Works, CUNY’s institutional repository.