Jing Zhao Project proposal

I am posting the link to my project proposal here https://dh2018.commons.gc.cuny.edu/. This project was conceived during my Digital Praxis Course last semester. During this semester, I have to do a group project for that class, so I decided to keep developing my project in this class. One of the problems that stopped me from continuing with the project was that I didn’t know how to study the use of a technology, such as “wiki”, in second language classrooms through analyzing academic papers on such topics with text analysis tools. In this semester, I found that the concept of “affordance” is potentially useful for solving this problem. In  Seven Affordances of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: How to Support Collaborative Learning? How Can Technologies Help? The authors developed a very useful framework for analyzing the use of technology. In this framework, there are seven affordances: establishing a joint task, communication, sharing resources, engaging in productive processes, engaging in co-construction, monitoring and regulation, and finding building groups and communities. I am thinking maybe I can use topic modeling to analyze the academic papers and see if the results of a single technology can fall into these categories. In addition, the book Digital Technology as Affordance and Barrier in Higher Education inspired me. The categories of mobile/fixed technology can be applied to my project when I am categorizing the technologies  discussed in the academic papers that are analyzed through text analysis tools.

1 thought on “Jing Zhao Project proposal”

  1. Thanks for posting your preliminary project brief, Jing. Since this project is now for ITP rather than the Praxis class, you’ll need to think about how to refine the scope into something you can complete on your own rather than in a team. We also think it would be useful for you to think about what value distant reading provides to evaluating your question of how technology is used in second-language courses, and what selection bias might be present in your data. We also wonder what the use case is for the dataset produced in your project: who will use it, and why?
    — Luke and Maura

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